The article of confederation were laws that the 13 states in the United States accepted and signed; while the U.S constitution is a set of rules that govern the nation's citizens. The articles of confederation has a lot of flaws with weaknesses like no power to tax, no national executive, no judicial/national court, no checks and balances; which all resulted in no money, no enforcement of laws, unequal representation. In comparison, the U.S constitution creates equal representation, meaning that small states have an equal voice. The U.S constitution also keeps disagreements from happening, allowing a better transition of power. In the 5th and 14th amendments, the constitution says that "the government shall not deprive anybody of life, liberty,
I started York College in August of 2013. I started off as a biotechnology major. I took all major science classes and noticed I weren’t doing so well in them. I found myself struggling. I went to advisement and this is where I was told that the first year spent all of my classes can go towards this new health science major.
Also I thought I signed up for one of your classes, but apparently I did not. Once I realized what I did it was too late and I had already filed for FAFSA. Do you think there is anyway I can still be able to take the course? And I still am interested in the laboratory job offer you made in class.
During my junior year of high school, I became enrolled in multiple different classes through CCCC. Throughout both my junior and senior year I have been
Despite the many hours I worked on the class, I still could only get C’s on the tests. I spent most of my free time correcting my quizzes and rewriting notes from the class. I was struggling- so much that I let my other classes slip away. At home, I would fight with my mother about my grades. She would yell at me saying, “Your brothers could always get As!
While these were common struggles I was also finding difficulty in figuring out what I wanted to do. I entered UCI as a Psychology and Social Behavior major and with advices from other people I was pursuing Pre-Med as well and I started taking chemistry and biology classes. However, I was quick to find out that these classes were not for me which was reflected in my grades in those courses. Even though the initial couple of months were difficult, I found what I was passionate about which were the criminology classes that I began to take.
An issue that could arise is a major adjustment in my study habits. Currently, my study habits may not be disciplined enough to achieve the grades I desire on a college level. Although this awakening might be harsh, it would force me to develop proper habits, preparing me for college two years in advance. Although the preparation that the Ohio State Academy would grant me is a strong reason to attend, the primary reason for my application is its intrinsic value. Although my high school offers a solid catalog of AP or CCP courses, the classes offered do not allow me to further my education in my fields of interest.
Not being able to keep up with my classes lead me to having to take incompletes in a couple of my classes and making them up at a later date. Through my freshman and sophomore year I struggled to heal and spent most of my time with doctors rather than teachers at school. Once my junior year came, I started to return to my old self and began being able to handle
Of course I am not trying to make up excuses on why I did so poorly, throughout this semester I have been dealing with my own internal problems and also illnesses. I have been dealing with family problems such as, potential divorces and differences in the family that have been arising
Despite the challenge, I managed to earn decent grades that I was still proud of. Unfortunately, to
Every semester that I’ve been enrolled at in Sierra Community College, I have been a full-time student, taking twelve or more units per semester. Intentionally, my plan for 2015 was to take four classes for this fall semester at Sierra College, however I was suddenly presented with an internship called Thrive Leadership School, an intense nine-month discipleship and leadership development program for college students. The internship develops both leadership skills and communication qualities. I chose to take this opportunity to discover whether a Communication Degree is what I truly see myself pursuing in the future. This program requires a 40+ hour internship, which is why they necessitate enrolling in online classes.
When I learned of my acceptance to Rutgers University, I was initially filled with both excitement and anxiety. Though the opportunities were plentiful at this prestigious University, I was worried that the I would let them slip by. The first two years I was here, I did not exactly thrive. I was unsure of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and the route that I was taking (exercise science) did not seem to be the right choice. My sister, who had graduated from Rutgers in 2014, suggested public health, as it was less science-intensive and had similar career opportunities.
I am still very interested in pursuing the Neuroscience major, so I intend on taking many natural science courses as well as social science courses, including those in the department of psychology, in the future. Taking this into consideration, I plan to shape my Spring semester class schedule around which courses will allow me to fulfill a part of my intended major and will fulfill other minimum graduation requirements such as the Humanities requirement. Regarding my intended minor, which must be a Social science or Humanity, I am fairly confident that I will minor in Economics; I am currently enrolled in Intro to Microeconomics. However, due to scheduling constraints, I do not intend on taking another Economics course in the Spring. Instead,
I’m only taking 5 classes this year, which makes my life a little less stressing. My toughest subject this year was probably Economics. It was something different, a new experience. I was introduced to a whole new level of vocabulary and it was tough to memorize. I also did horrible in the tests, but I was able to push through that
Every summer i’d take many courses to advance and exceed in my classes, my parents having some knowledge about high school believed at one point that I had taken a summer course to make up a failing class due to the fact of how my older brother struggled during his years. Not being able to do much during the summer also limited my time to having fun and doing what I liked. Community service hours were never mentioned to me until my sophomore year surprisingly and I had a plethora of hours piled up to my normal schedule, up until now I have been able to do most of those hours but if I were told sooner I’d be done by now.