Summary: The Availability Of Affordable Housing

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The Availability of Affordable Housing
Grace Holan, Sarah Gouge, Lauren Thomas, and Ebony Thomas
FCS 4347-01
Texas State University

The Availability of Affordable Housing
The availability of a safe home or shelter for families and children should be something that every citizen has access and opportunity to. However, the housing market in Texas has become a place where safety and shelter do not always go hand in hand. The Texas housing market has become increasingly unaffordable, leaving many people the option of going in debt or taking shelter in an unsafe but affordable environment.

Step 1: Historical Perspective
Problem (History and information- 2-3 pages):
According to, “the federal government considers …show more content…

Families that live in at risk areas often experience stressors such as increased crime in the surrounding areas. Increased crime is often a reason families relocate and search for new housing. Due to relocating children are often uprooted from school and required to start over in a new school environment. Children experience stress due to their family suddenly moving and as a result their grades suffer below state standards therefore they are required to repeat a grade (Mueller and Tighe, …show more content…

Focus (Local, state, or federal): With the problems of affordable housing are happening nationally, this project will specifically look at the state policies in Texas. With the amount of individuals moving to Texas, the need for a variety of affordable housing options should be a major concern for the politicians and citizens in the state.

References Benning, T. (2015, March 15). Housing vouchers are latest front in Texas Legislature’s battle over local control. Retrieved from

Household Affordability. (n.d.). Retrieved from | Getting started - what? (2009, August 4). Retrieved from

Low income housing and apartments. (n.d.). Retrieved from