Summary: The Effect Of Ph Balance On Isopod

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Title- The Effect of pH Balance on Isopod Behaviour
Introduction- Isopods, or what your 7-year old self would refer to them as ‘Roly-Polys’, are actually a type of class crustacean. They breathe with gills, so they have to stay in damp areas with high humidity. That’s why you normally find them under rocks (Isopod, Pillbug, Sow Bug Information, 1997). Also, they like to eat Detritus and it is a more acidic plant (Animal Behavior: Pillbugs and Their Preferences, 2003-2015). This being said, would isopods refer to be in an area with low pH, high pH or water? I there is a low pH, high pH, or water, then the isopods would prefer the water because most organisms are sensitive to certain pH levels.

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