Summary: The Justification Of The Holocaust

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The Nazi justification of the Holocaust was that they were just cleansing Europe. To the Nazis the Jews were only aliens which had tried to take away the power that belonged to the Master Race. Then the Master Race finally decided to fight back. The Nazis were to start the race war, in the end of the race war the white Aryan would come out victorious against all the world’s evil.

The Final Solution was the ideal plan for Hitler because it would end in the swift killing of all the Jews in Europe. His goal was to eradicate the Jewish problem because in his mind they were biologically different. In Nazi belief the Jewish genome was harmful to the Aryan one. The Jews were considered almost like a cancer, spreading their genes and wanting …show more content…

They burned all the dead bodies and burned any paper evidence that remained. The Nazis were tried at Nuremberg for their war crimes most notably their crimes against the Jews. Even though allied nations said that they opposed what the Nazis were doing to the Jews, many of them did not accept Jewish refugees. “Hitler gloated that while some spoke disapprovingly of his Jewish policies, no one was willing to take in the Jews that were fleeing Germany. The British imposed the White Paper, curtailing the promises of the Balfour Declaration and preventing emigration of the Jews to Palestine. The United States refused to increase its limited quota for immigrants. When a Canadian official was asked how many Jews his country could accommodate, his answer was, "None is too many."-Rabbi Benjamin Blech Many Nazi synthesizers today still deny the Holocaust ever happening. So please remember this “To forget the dead would be akin to killing them twice.”-Elie …show more content…

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The Southern Institute for Education
The Southern Institute for Education and Research. (n.d.). Retrieved January 06, 2017, from

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
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Why did Hitler want to kill Jews?I have taught units on Holocaust literature for years, and yet still don't feel like I have a concise explanation that I can give students for why Hitler wanted to... (n.d.). Retrieved January 06, 2017, from

BOOKS MATTER ADL recommends: Hate, Genocide and Holocaust. (n.d.). Retrieved January 06, 2017, from

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