Summary: The United States Immigration System

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Chapter One speaks of the development of our immigration system in the United States of America. Transitionally, it speaks of the effect it had on immigrants that illegally arrived to America for a better chance at life. On November 20th 2014, President Barack Obama announced an administrative action to reform the United States immigration system. Subsequently, the Department of Homeland Security expanded the DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It provided temporary work permits and deportation relief to many young, undocumented immigrants looking for a chance for a brighter, superior future. Consequently, this created a new program called the DAPA. DAPA, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Permanent Residents, gave approximately …show more content…

It explains that the DACA did little to nothing to help the immigrants that were already of age. It was passed too late and did too little to help those in college already. Although the DACA gave the college-goer much more freedom, there were too many chances given up and too many discarded dreams to kindle their incentive to aspire once more. The DREAM Act was also unavailable to the older generation, as it was direct towards the younger immigrants. The DREAM Act lowered the spirits of the older generation, rather than encouraging them to continue …show more content…

As I was reading the book, I realized that that the overall situation of immigrants is mainly based on their environment. However, I believe that it is the student’s fault for not being unable to make relationships in school and their community. It seems like the author is trying his best to blame the environment for all the illegal activities that immigrates commit. The acts of a person, and I say person, not immigrant, is largely due to their fault, rather than being the environment’s fault. In addition, the incentive to better oneself derives from oneself, not from the environment. Furthermore, the evidence that the author provides is neither an extensive experiment, nor a reliable study. Many of the evidence the author provides are from a fallible source. The human brain makes out events to be worse than it is portrayed. It is hard to consider a book a reliable source when the book is more than eighty percent flashbacks of undocumented students’ experiences and