Summary: Throug Through Learning Activity

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Through learning activity 1, children can think about not only their own family structure also others who are participating in the group as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, gives opportunity to understand and respect the others that sit equally beside ways of being, knowing and doing. It encourages children to create an attitude and willingness to explore differences in individual and different values, beliefs and practices. According to Green (Green, 2001), children are naturally curious and interested in the differences and therefore it is important to explore their questions with simple answers to assist them to redefine themselves and their place in the world. Through learning activity 2 children get to introduce to the aboriginal culture and the concepts of flags and symbolism they represent. This experience ensures that all children get opportunities with the rich and long history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander cultures which helps them to broaden their understanding of the world in which they live in (DEEWR, 2009) …show more content…

Through exploring Aboriginal symbols and art children will be able to strengthen Aboriginal perspectives and Aboriginal knowledge in a creative and expressive way. According to EYLF, children’s different ways of connectedness with people, country and communities helps them to develop sense of identity and experiencing respectful relationships, strengthens their interest and skills, over the time this learning transforms the ways they interact with others (DEEWR,