
Summary: Why Robots Will-And Must Take Our Jobs By Kevin Kelly

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In today’s society, many individuals rely on technology for everyday use, however are too many technological advancements a bad thing? One who disagrees with this statement is Kevin Kelly in his article “Better than Humans:Why Robots Will- and Must- Take Our Jobs.” In the article Kelly goes to explain automization must occur in the workplace because it will benefit our society and increase production. While Kevin Kelly was successful in providing examples, the reader was left with fear and belief that technology would not benefit us.
Kelly’s uses historical examples and logic to support his argument. He states “Each successful bit of automation generates new occupations-- occupations we would not have fantasized about without the prompting of the automation” (#). He before states in his article that individuals in Ancient Rome would have never imagined they would be able to travel to Athens in a vehicle while watching television. To explain his quote, he is stating that …show more content…

Ethical considerations that would have been important to address in his article are those such as: unemployment, and human interaction. Humans need interaction to not only develop but also to maintain relationships, whether physical or mental. Kelly does not address how robots would even be capable to maintain interaction such as consoling one emotionally or even connecting emotionally. Since robot are machines, the reader then is to question as to how it would be likely robots would ever come close to being capable to do this. Kelly would be more successful if he had explained why technology and robots would benefit besides production, and answer more of the questions that are not just simply on paper. Kelly also does not provide a counter argument, which would help support his argument more. The counter argument would have been beneficial to possibly address some of the questions the reader is left

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