Summer Break Research Paper

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I am a fourteen-year-old, small-town girl during the year of 1961. It is only spring in the town of Johnson, North Carolina, and already my summer vacation plans are ruined. There are only a couple more weeks left of school, and it seems as if summer break cannot get here fast enough. Because I will be stuck in the house for three months, I should not care whether there is a summer break or not. If only I had plans. I need something to look forward to this summer; I need excitement and anticipation. It seems as if everyone else in my grade has already booked their vacations; everyone wants a break from this tired little town. I have a younger brother who is constantly on my nerves. A young boy of only eight years old finds joy by pestering me, and staying in my business. He knows what I am going to do before I ever even know myself; nosy little twerp! I already knew my summer vacation was going to be a crappy one. When I realized I was going to be babysitting my snot nose brother all break, I concluded my summer indeed, doomed to hell! Because I have great parents, and I knowingly owe them this favor, I figured I …show more content…

After speeding by us one last time, they threw their drinks at us, called me a “nigger lover,” but worst of all, they made racist remarks towards my new best friend whom I have become to love. Minds racing in disbelief, we walked home in silence. Tears cascading down her cheeks as if the pain from her broken heart was pouring from her eyes as its only exit. We still hung out after the incident, and it seemed to me as if nothing had ever happened. One Wednesday afternoon, after preparing lunch for my brother and I, had to check the mail. After returning inside, I threw the expected junk mail and bills on the desk beside the front door when a colorful, hand-made letter caught my eye. It