Summer Parenting Case Study

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It’s not surprising that divorced parents have an increased number of disagreements when it comes to summer parenting schedules. This is particularly true if the child custody arrangement changes for the summer months. You might have questions regarding how those changes will impact your parenting tie as well as child support payments.

Frequently Asked Questions: Summer Parenting, Visitation and Legal Decision Making (Child Custody)
1. When does the altered “summer” parenting schedule begin?
For most, the summer parenting schedule starts as soon as the kids are out of school. If your kids aren’t in school yet, you could start your summer parenting schedule on Memorial Day Weekend, a very common time for the end of school.
2. If the non-custodial …show more content…

This seems reasonable, but if it’s not in the custody agreement, you should sit down and talk to your ex about the issue. Working together, you could write it in to your summer visitation schedule to be included in your custody agreement.
3. Should your ex be required to take the kids to their various summer activities on their own time?
This is a frequent issue. The kids are signed up for a number of difference activities, teams, clubs, etc. and when it comes time for them to spend time with their non-custodial parent, they may refuse to take time from their extended summer visitation to take them to their activities. The best solution is to work with your ex to work out a compromise. It is the prerogative of the parent in custody at the moment whether or not they take the children to their summer activities. It is often helpful to discuss activities and camps, etc. with the ex before signing children up for it; getting agreement beforehand makes it much more likely they will be on board with actually making sure the kids get to attend. If not, you could discuss your situation with instructors, coaches, and camp directors to see if you could receive a partial refund