Essay: Why Public Schools In Maryland Should Start After Labor Day

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Recently, Gov. Larry Hogan, the Governor of Maryland, had addressed that all public schools in Maryland should start after Labor Day. This statement had brought many arguments and plenty of statewide issues that were based on this idea. In my opinion, it's better to start school right after the Labor Day weekend because it would allow families to have more time to spend with their kids. According to the “Hogan orders Maryland Public schools to start after Labor Day, sparking political fight” article, Pollsters at Goucher College had found that 72 percent of Maryland residents supported a statewide mandate for requiring schools to begin after Labor Day.

That's a pretty big percent of Marylanders, considering that many people really are taking …show more content…

I just never got the whole idea of opening school so early in the middle of our summer and expect us to be ready and “learning-minded”. That's why whenever I jump into the month of August, I knew I would have to say my last goodbyes to summer, and if school could start after Labor Day, then it would definitely be a dream turned to reality.

Not only would this make me happy, but it would definitely make many parents happy as well. Many parents work during the summer time and if that were the case every year, then there would definitely be no way of spending time with their children. I remember the time when I, myself had undergone this type of experience, for example my Dad was always busy during the summer time and he would always tell me that we would go at least one place during the summer. By the time he was ready to go somewhere, there just wouldn’t be enough time for the whole family to go on a short vacation because of school, and we would have gone earlier in the summer if only he didn’t have work. So really I think it’s important for families to have some time left over so that the parents who have work can really pull off a short vacation with their