Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Stop Year-Round School

As school districts around the country are rapidly changing to year-round schools instead of the traditional school year, we must stop and reconsider the drawbacks of having school year-round. Year-round school is where the usual 9 months on are still the same, but the 3 months off are distributed throughout the school year instead of in the summer break. School should not be year-round because taking away the summer break and the benefits with it can have many drawbacks, it is a difficult change, and the financial costs are larger for the schools.

Taking away summer break can take away so many benefits from students that some wonder whether it would be worth it to change to year-round and get rid of that summer …show more content…

Summer break means not as much family and social time or extracurricular activities like summer sports or summer camps. the National Education Association says, “Students in year-round school may miss opportunities to spend time with children of other ages while learning about nature, as typical summer camp experiences may no longer be a part of the childhood experience.” Year-round students miss many chances to socialize and do other beneficial activities in the summer. Additionally, let them clearly think about each grade separately and get ready for the next year. Teens that are in school can have a harder time in year-round school because they cannot have summer jobs if there is no summer break. “Older students may also find it difficult to hold down a part-time job while in year-round schooling. Rather than take a summer job for …show more content…

The classic saying is, if it isn’t broken, do not fix it. Everyone will have a challenging time switching to year-round school when our traditional schedule is fine. “There is a reason most schools nationwide have operated on a traditional nine-month schedule: it works. Year-round schooling is not a beneficial change for well-developed nine-month schooling systems. It would take years to draft up a reasonable plan for change and successfully implement it.” (Oladiran) Parents who have graduated school may be bewildered as to why we should switch when they graduated school simply fine with the traditional calendar. It will be hard to implement a year-round school when many people do not like it. “According to one study, [year-round schooling] can be so unpopular that families are willing to pay more to live in an area with a traditional calendar, than a lesser-costing area with a year-round calendar,” said the University of Rhode Island. This shows that it is not plausible to switch to year-round schooling because it is not a popular idea. Not only this, but another part about the change to year-round is the cost. There is a noticeably big cost needed to change to year-round