Why We Should Not Go Year Round School

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Do only 13% of schools use a year round schedule? Yes it is true, and 87% of public schools use a normal school schedule. Also school having a summer vacations has been going for hundreds of years. President Barack Obama was considering making all public schools go year round but he did not end up passing the bill. But this is not a good idea and many others agree.Public school should not go year round because students need more than two to four week to disengage, also many others students have different opportunities in the summer, and finally it may cost more money to go to schools that go year round.
One of the reasons why schools should not go year is that students need more than two to four weeks to disengage. An Indiana middle schooler …show more content…

Some people may argue that any break over 2 weeks may cause the kids to lose knowledge therefore there would be summer school So Students do need more than 2 - 4 weeks disengage.
Another reason why school should not go year round is that people have different opportunities in the summer. One of the reasons is that students may want to have summer jobs. For example if a high school student atented year round school and wanted to be a lifeguard he would not be able to. Then he would be only working about a meager two hours a day and he would still have homework to do. Another reason is kids may want to go to church camps during the summer and would not be able to, and another downside to that is the church camps will suffer. And that is why year round schools take away opportunities from students
Year round schools cost more than a normal school schedule. One of the reasons are that it cost more money to run air conditioning throughout the summer. By running the air conditions through the summer it will cost the school another 500 hundred dollars or more. Another reason for year round school costing more is that bust transportation will cost more due to more usage of them, Finally six out the