
Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Students in school experience a boatload of work and that can cause a tremendous amount of stress in school. Instead of one big break, students should get more breaks in between the school year to get rid of that stress. Along with this, one long break can give students burnout which makes students lose their train of thought from what they learned the year before. For example if students have a long big break, Students may not remember what they learned before. There are many more reasons to why Year-Round Schools should be all over the country.

Year-Round Education was started in about 1980, From that point, Year-Round Education had been growing and spreading, “In 1985, there were 410 year-round public schools, serving about 350,000 students. …show more content…

There are loads of different reasons why we need Year-Round Education, For a first, The regular schedule is out-of-date. “Most schools in the United States operate on the 10-month calendar that was established when America was still an agrarian country. But times have changed and many people propose doing away with this ‘outdated’ system and moving to ‘year-round education’”(National Education Association). One of the important reasons is because of the stress that we are putting on all of the students. They are getting more and more work every single day, and that work can get piled up very easily. Two Effects of stress is the change of mood and more headaches. To keep getting more and more work everyday is not healthy because of this stress. If students were to get more breaks then students can relax for once in awhile. Year-Round Education can provide that, “There are different types of Year-Round Education plans, Three common types of plans are the 45-15, 60-20, and 90-30” (National Education Association). Basically what this means is, For example, The first plan is when you go to school for 45 days and then get a 15 day break every 45 days students attend

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