Super Storm Sandy Case Study

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Critical Structures Affected by Super storm Sandy Super storm Sandy was one of the biggest natural disasters that affected the US in the past century. Super storm Sandy affected twenty four States, creating several billions of dollars in property damages and taking the life of several people. On the morning of October 27, 2012, Governor Chris Christie declared New Jersey on State of Emergency in order to secure funds and resources to conduct the recovery phase, after super storm Sandy. Heading After completing a community assessment of the town South Amboy, there were several areas identified as critical in the assessment matrix and they were: Electrical power services, water services, medical services, food services, telephone services and financial services. First Subheading On October 29, 2012 at approximately 2200 hours, Super Storm sandy touched down the area of South Amboy in New Jersey. The Mayor of the town of South Amboy highly suggested the residents who resided near the shore to evacuate the area due to the magnitude of the natural disaster, on the same date at approximately 1800 hours; however, many residents refused to evacuate, due to the fact, the area had never been affected by a natural disaster of this magnitude …show more content…

The town of South Amboy appeared to learn from the mistakes they made during super storm Sandy and increased the number of first responder and volunteers in the town. They also conduct annual training exercises with agencies around the area,State and Federal Government, and they are constantly reaching out to the community and providing tips on how to prepare for natural and man-made