Support Link Research Paper

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History of Support Link Support Link began three plus years ago with the intentions solely with assumption Medtronic had a conversion rate issue. Patients were getting stuck along their journey. Not only were patients facing obstacles, field personal (Reps or CSs) may have been as well since before this time there was no Nlink or a patient tracking mechanism. Pain Support Link was developed as a program to support patients through their journey with a Medtronic Therapy, striving for the highest possible patient satisfaction and optimal therapy delivery. Pain Support Link was not developed for a reduction in service burden. Pain Support Link was first launched in a pilot. Each district got to select one or two physicians in every district …show more content…

∙ Support Link and Prior Auth Physician Portals: For all of their patients being supported by Medtronic by either Support Link or simply Prior Authorization, physicians can log into our physician portal and see real-time notes of the patient engagement. • Reduced office service burden for non-medical needs: With an additional resource to support patient’s administratively on their journey, office (and reps/cs) can anticipate receiving fewer calls. Note that we would not pressure any patient in any manner. All calls are scripted, recorded and audited. • Increased conversion rates and new implant growth for appropriate patients in need. We are seeing significant increases in conversation rates for appropriate patients – even within the same account – and new implant growth significantly higher than national averages in accounts using Support Link. • Increase patient satisfaction: Patients in Support Link continue to report greater satisfaction with the experience; something that benefits the physician and …show more content…

That initiative did focus on Support Link as one of 5 things. The conclusion of that group (which ended about a year ago) concluded there is an opportunity to take the Pain Support Link Program and focus on the reduction of service burden for field personal. However, that was NOT the primary focus for Pain Support Link. “Go to Market” knew there is clearly an ability to drive Pain Support Link in a different direction. Two things were discussed as things to be