Survival In The Hunger Games And The Most Dangerous Games

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In the The Hunger Games, and The Most Dangerous Games both characters needed certain qualities to overcome obstacles they were forced to deal with throughout their games. Katniss and Rainsford showed how being resourceful, independent, and compassionate will help you survive through tough games. Katniss and Rainsford both strongly show how being resourceful leads to survival. In The Hunger Games, Katniss uses the tree as a hiding place as well as a place to sleep. By doing this, she eliminated many people from killing her during the long days. She also brought her archery skills from home that she used to kill humans in the movie. This helped her move further along in the game as she could be distant from the target and kill them. In The Most Dangerous Games, Rainsford was resourceful by swimming to the shore where he heard the gunshots knowing someone was there and may be able to help him. By doing this, he no longer was going to drown and using the guy he met could help him find food to survive. Both of the plots show strongly how being resourceful by thinking outside of your box in stressful situations can ultimately save your life. …show more content…

In The Hunger Games, Katniss never relied on anyone. At the beginning of the movie, she was always a role model for her sister in the sense that she was collecting food for the family showing that she has a special place in her heart for her family ever since her dad died. Rainsford showed independence from falling from the boat and into the shore with no help around. He had to swim somewhere and start a new life as he knew there was no going back to the boat. Being independent helped both Katniss and Rainsford get further through life as they never had to fully rely on one person to guide them through their