Suzanne Britt's Essay Neat People Vs Sloppy People

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Suzanne Britt’s essay “Neat People vs Sloppy People” makes the incredulous claim that neat people are subordinate to slobs and furthermore, that neat people are lacking in “heavenly vision”. For my part, however, I disagree with this claim. In my experience, sloppy people are those that are subordinate and living in a hellish vision of disorder. They are a sooty, bedraggled, slovenly, forgetful sort, that neither recognize, nor attempt to remedy, their self-serving and somewhat self destructive behavior. I adhere to the belief that neat people are superior to sloppy people because neat people are altogether more organized and focused, therefore possessing a tendency to lead more profitable lives. Straightforwardly, slobs are disorganized while neat people are organized. They just are. It's in their blood to be that way. Sloppy people are always “organizing” without ever achieving the nirvana of “organized”. Neat people spurn useless and altogether meaningless items, like half off coupons and last week’s newspapers. Aside from the occasional obituary of a neighbor you didn't like, there’s really not all that much use for them anyway, is there? In the trash they go. Family heirlooms, old photos from way back when, Jimmy's first crayon …show more content…

Possessing the ability to see the important and useful at a glance and thereby discarding the unimportant and useless allows the neat freak to zero in on key issues and begin work immediately while the slob next door is searching high and low for the upcoming project specifications. The neat freak has already begun to gather supplies and materials from his well appointed home office, meanwhile our slob next door has gotten side tracked by a pile of high school prom photographs. The glories of neatness shine through as each task and appointment is attended and carefully checked off the day’s