Suzanne Britt's Essay Neat People Vs. Sloppy People

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In Suzanne Britt’s essay “Neat People vs. Sloppy People”, she contrasts neat people and sloppy people by listing several differences in their lives and claims the difference is moral. Neat people are meaner while sloppy people are kind. America and India have many cultural differences ranging from family values to the role of a women to religion.
In India, family is very important and most families live under one roof. This includes grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. In India, it is customary to refer to each family member by their individual relationship to you and if they are older than you, you would talk to them with the utmost respect versus if they were younger. For example, the grandparents on the mom’s side is called ‘Nanima and Nanaji’ whereas the grandparents on the father’s side are called ‘Dadima and Dadaji’. Uncles and Aunts on the mother’s side are called ‘Mama and Mami’ but on the father’s side they are called ‘Kaka and Kaki’. In America, families are often split up and many kids have multiple step-parents. Families live hours away from each other and only see each other once or twice a year. Kids in America also refer everyone as Aunt and Uncle without mentioning …show more content…

Indian women are not allowed to choose their husband and are forced into an arranged marriage based what caste their family is in. Women in India are not expected to get an education and instead are expected to stay housewives and are expected to cook, clean, and take care of the children. In America, women are seen as people and are respected in society. Women are allowed to marry whomever they please based on emotion and how they feel towards a person or not marry at all. Women in America are expected to get an education so they can get their own job and earn their own salary. Women in America are not expected to have children and if they do, they won’t be criticized for hiring a babysitter or nanny to care for

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