Swallows Of Kabul Summary

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In the first five chapters of the book Swallows of Kabul we are introduced to most of the main characters. We get an idea of the life they’re living and the challenges they have to go through. Through the use of appropriate literary devices and strong imagery the author, Yasmina Khadra gives as a very strong idea of what life is like during the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The book starts of in the market place where one of the main characters, Atiq Shuakat is late for the execution of a prostitute. He is the jail keeper for the Taliban’s and is late for work. Upon reaching his workplace, he begins his duty and assists the militia women in order to begin the stoning. The stoning begins and this is when we are introduced to another main character, Mohsen Rahmat. We start of by seeing Mohsen hesitating in joining the crowd but after some time has passed he too joins in with the group. Rocks begin to be thrown at the prostitute …show more content…

Atiq seems completely out of it and just has no motivation left in him to do anything at all. He is tired of the life he has been living as a jail keeper and does not see even a glimpse of hope left in the horizon. The feelings and views of Atiq show us that the rule of the Taliban’s has sucked the joy of Atiq’s and many others lives. Further on we find out about Atiq’s sick wife, who Atiq sometimes feel is a burden on his shoulders. As the setting changes and Atiq goes on a walk his mind is still filled with thoughts of sorrow and misery. With his mind not in place, Atiq barely misses a horse and a cart whom of which speed by him. This entire scenario taking place in front of Atiq’s childhood friend, Mirza Shah. Mirza Shah does not hesitate in bringing up the sadness on Atiq’s face. Atiq explains to him why his face looks the way it does and Mirza Shah begins trying to convince Atiq that he should divorce his wife for the sake of Atiq’s