Sweatshops Case Study

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Introduction: According to the Encyclopedia of Management (2009) sweatshops can be defined as environments or factories that provide opportunities to the less-fortunate people in a country. Sweatshops can be classified as a place of employment where the working hours are long, the conditions are harsh and the wages provided are very low compared to the average wages of the country in question (McDermott, 2013). Most sweatshops also have strict laws and policies that the workers have to abide to, and they are often subjected to some form of abuse if they do not obey these laws properly (ibid). In general, the phenomenon of sweatshops is usually received with negative connotations. Looking back at the development of sweatshops, its origins can be linked to the rise of the textile industry in England and New York during the 1840s (Pugatch, 1998). Back in the day it was common for such industries to employ more home workers than factory workers and to require them to work around 14 hours a day (ibid). The progression of the 19th century saw the workforce move out of their homes and into the factories; however, by the early 20th century, urbanization led the replacement of outwork by the factory system (ibid). Workers employed in factories earned better wages, but as the years passed by high levels of unemployment led many to accept employment under almost any conditions (“The History”, 2004). Such factories have been the means of producing goods, such as clothes and