Swoon Reads: Article Analysis

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Writers and publishers are trying out an updated method of building an audience for books long before they are published or even written. They see crowdsourcing as a unique approach to uncovering hidden talents and measuring fans’ reactions and feedback before these works are released. Traditionally, a book is first released then publishers work to build a fan base and following. However, these updated methods are more aligned to the rest of the entertainment industry, where shows and movies are test marketed before they are aired.
Many new companies have been established in recent years, devoted to finding amateur writers that have written a piece worth publishing. Swoon Reads, a young-adult branch of Macmillan Publishing, uses crowdsourcing to choose all its titles. The publisher is hoping to discover a potential best seller among its digital slush pile, reflective of the tastes of the collective crowd and not just the editors. Jean Feiwel, senior vice president of the Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group came up with the idea in 2012. Of the 237 manuscripts posted on the Swoon Reads’ website, Ms. Feiwel has acquired six novels, ranging from contemporary realism to paranormal romance. “The fans and the readers are more in touch with what can sell. They’re more at the pulse of these things than any …show more content…

The process begins with idea generation, coming from both internal and external sources. Internet crowdsourcing is an updated method of garnering ideas through external sources, which is also known as an open-innovation new product idea program. It invites broad communities of people to provide valuable input to tap into unexpected and powerful new ideas. Truly innovative companies develop extensive networks to capture ideas and inspiration from many possible sources, instead of relying on only one source for new product