Sylvia Plath Confessional Style

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Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932, in Boston, Massachusetts as the daughter of German immigrant parents. Sylvia Plath was a gifted and troubled poet, known for the confessional style of her work. Her interest in writing emerged at an early age, and she started out by keeping a journal. Her father was a professor of biology at Boston University,and had specialized in bees.He has been charachterized as authoritarian and died of diabetes in 1940 when Plath was eight years old.Her mother,Aurelia worked at two jobs to support Sylvia and her brother Warren,but in her diary Plath reveals her hatred for her mother. At school Plath appeared to be a model student:she won prizes and scholarships.She studied at Gamaliel Bradford Senior High School and at Smith College from 1950 t O 1955.Summing up Sylvia Plath ,A.Alvarez says: "She was a tall,spindly girl with waist _length sandy hair,which she usually wore in bun,and that curious,advertisement_trained transatlantic air of anxious pleasantness.But this was a nervous social manner,under it ,she was ruthless about her perception, wary and very individual."
She was much more than a feminist ,a stiff narcissist at one end ,and a visionary at the other.In LETTERS HOME (1975)edited by Plaths mother,she revealed a portrait of a young woman driven by hopes for the highest success alternating with moods of deep depression.Her own view of writing was that: "Writing is a religious act:it is an ordering and a reforming.The