Symbols AC Link Justification For Position In Continuum

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Addition Strategies Definition of strategy Example of strategy shown in symbols AC link Justification for position in continuum.
What was your reasoning for the placing ?
Counting all Students use their understanding of counting principles to combine a collection and perceptually count all items 1,2,3,+ 1,2,3,= 1,2,3,4,5,6 ACMNA001 Counting is the foundation of all of the strategies and uses the child’s immediate experience
Commutative law Students understand that a sum can be switch around without changing the answer, to make it easier to understand 6+4
4+6 (ACMNA015) Students need to understand that an addition sum can be swapped in order to for them to understand the later stategies
Counting on 1 Students use their counting ability in …show more content…

5+5= (ACMNA012) Doubles are a simple concept for children (Jorgensen & Dole, 2011) and it is useful in assist children in understanding the more complex …show more content…

Facts of 10 Students understand what numbers go together in order to create 10 9+1=10
6+4=10 (ACMNA030) Children need to understand this prior to attempting bridging tens as they need to understand what number they need to add to create ten
Bridging 10 Students use their knowledge of counting to see when a number is very close to ten and then re-organizing their sum to work with a ten and a smaller number 8+6=
10+4 (ACMNA030) The strategy is relatively complicated and should come after facts of ten as then students are aware of the way adding ten can change a number
Doubles plus 1 Students use their understanding of doubles to simplify a sum into a double plus one 7+8=
7+7+1 (ACMNA030) Double plus 1 is a hard concept and should be attempted after more simple strategies are well understood (Jorgensen & Dole, 2011)

Doubles plus 2 Students use their understanding of doubles to simplify a sum into a double plus two 4+6=
(ACMNA030) Double plus 2 is a hard concept and should be attempted after doubles plus 1 after more simple strategies are well understood (Jorgensen & Dole,