Pt1420 Unit 6 Lab Report

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• Write down the highlighted numbers. Do you observe a pattern? • Does the pattern grow? What is the reason for this? • Write down the last number (say 53). Take away a bundle from it, write the total, and repeat this step till the last bundle is taken away, and what do you observe from the patterns? • Can you observe a pattern in the classroom? For example, count the number of legs in a chair and write it (4). Make a cumulative total of the chair legs and write the pattern. • Can you make body percussion using a pattern in each group separately? • In your dice, popsticks, 100-chart activity, form bundles of 9 and write down the pattern. What difference do you observe compared to the 10 stick bundles? • Connect the numbers formed in 10s patterns and 9s …show more content…

Go for different starting numbers; keep adding a specific number to form a pattern. • Observe patterns in nature, such as petals in flowers, and in designs. • Practicing patterns with numbers other than 0 would be an added advantage in recognising patterns, as in reality a pattern can start with any number. Reflection of the lesson! • From my experience of teaching children patterns with popsticks, I am confident that they learn the concepts easily. They also learn the place value very well. • Adhering to Vygotsky’s scaffolding (Ref), I would simplify the activity, such as adding two sticks at a time, make them understand the pattern, asking them to highlight the numbers in the 100 number chart. • Some of the students, who are comfortable forming patterns when the starting number is 0, tend to struggle a bit for a different starting number. However, by using manipulatives, they find it easier. • Misconceptions are commonly seen when the students create number pattern from performing subtraction. Even if they write a wrong number in the third position, the same mistake is likely to continue in all the numbers that