Explain How Is This Resource Used In The Development Of Early Maths

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Theme/title of item:
Early written maths
What is the resource?
It is an activity that provides children the ability to use their fingers to demonstrate a specific number that has either been set by the teacher or but the child. It is adaptable where dots on card can be used or the word could be used to increase difficulty.

Alter-Rasche, D. (2017).
Explanation of the evidence:
1. How is this resource used in children’s early math’s development?
It can be used to help children identify numbers in a variety of forms. MacMillan (2009) suggest that through written resources or activities allow children to develop a variety of skills relating to mathematical development such as: visual, audio, gestural and spatial. Hence this resource allows a combination of these, as this allows children to use gestures and visual cues …show more content…

There are links to the Early Years Learning Framework which include:
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
- Children create and use representation to organize, record and communicate mathematical ideas and concepts.
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
- Children demonstrate an increasing understanding of measurement and number using vocabulary to describe size, length, volume, capacity and names for numbers
(Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR], 2009).
Reflection linked to knowledge, practice and engagement: (100 words)
This can be used in an area set up in the room that has easy access to children. It will be set up in a couple of varieties of ways such as: with the number written.
Teaching strategy that could be use is facilitate. Which will occur by providing this resource in a way that is supportive and considerate to appropriate resources (MacNaughton & Williams,