Summary Of Math In Plain English Literacy Strategies

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Benjamin, A. (2011). Math in Plain English: Literacy Strategies for the Mathematics Classroom. New York, NY: Routledge.

This book describes literacy strategies and explains how to use them within math lessons. The book gives ideas on how to teach students to become critical thinkers in math, leading them to become better with math skills and literacy skills. I chose this book because of the ideas on how to integrate literacy into my math lessons. This is a book I will use for ideas on how to use literacy strategies in math and I will use it as a future reference as I teach math over the course of the year.

My Math. (2013). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Education.
This is the 5th grade math textbook. It has twelve chapters and covers a wide range of math topics. It teaches students the concepts of math that follow the Common Core State Standards. I chose this book because I enjoy teaching math and this book has a wide range of methods to teach students different math concepts. …show more content…

(2002). A Remainder of One. New York, NY: HMH Books for Young Readers.

This book is a trade book about the 25th Army Corps of ants. The Queen demands even lines for the marching infantry. Joe wants to be in the parade, but when the lines are uneven he has to sit out. Joe sadly watches the parade from the side until inspiration hits and he figures out how to make the lines even with him so he can be in the parade. I chose this book because it integrates division in the story and the idea of a remainder. This is a good book to get students’ attention and get them thinking about remainders, which we discussed in our lesson.

Sammons, L. (2011). Building Mathematical Comprehension. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell