The Sherwood School Board Has Changed The Math Curriculum

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The Sherwood school board has changed the math curriculum. The new curriculum is going to be used throughout all of the math teachers. The new system is known as CPM. On the CPM website it states that their mission is to empower development and to professionally develop learning and group skills. The CPM curriculum has students thinking if this was a good way to learn or not, it really gets their opinions going. It also includes new math books and new forms of group work. The students opinions vary on whether they think it is a good way of learning or not. Their opinions also give perspectives if it is helping them learn or if they like to learn from the new system. “ I like it better than the last because this one is more understandable. The other one was too complicated and disorganized” say Sammy. Sammy thinks that the new system is organized, that may be true but on the other hand is it too easy for some students? “I don’t like the new math curriculum because it doesn't give me a challenge like the one we had last year” says Danielle. The new math curriculum seems to help those who struggle with math and it seems to slow down others who excel. …show more content…

The books go by each chapter with tons of lessons inside. On the CPM website they have the books on their with each problem and each problem on the website comes with hints on how to do the problem correctly. The new books can be reached through the website. There are multiple books provided for each grade level. Some people like the books but some don’t, an example of someone who likes them is Mattie. “ I like the new math books because it's easy to find the right page and the problems are worded well enough so it's easier to solve.” The books have so many levels to them that most problems are easy to