Research Paper On Macy's Training

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1.) Goal: Macy’s seasonal employees must wrap gifts according to Macy’s standards. Upon completion of 1 hour training the learners will be able to accurately wrap gifts according to Macy’s standards. 2.) The most effective context where my training will be in is the break room of Macy’s. There would be desks, table so the employees can sit down. There would be white board and projectors as resources. Along with the resources of handing out picture chart, and presenting a video. I would be providing wrapping papers, scissors, tape, and other accessories to the seasonal employees when the actual training starts. 3.) I would use the psychomotor learning theory for this training because psychomotor is a doing domain. Skills that learners need …show more content…

Those characteristics are engaging, responsive, and approachable. Educators need to be engaging, the effect of teacher’s enthusiasm gives learners motivation to learn. For this training the motivation for the learner is because it’s their job. They are intrinsic based on survival, so they have to do well for the holiday season. Educators have to be responsive just responding yes or no to a question can’t truly reflect on the question so it needs to be explained well when the learners ask. The learners should be able to wrap gifts in Macy’s standards. Being approachable means building a relationship and showing the learners that the educator cares about them. By doing this it really helps my learners feel more comfortable and I believe these three educator characteristics are what are important to aid my …show more content…

To solve this problem I can repeat the same steps more than once and I can make the learners do the steps slower than normal. Younger generation problem would be the attention span. For that I can provide breaks in between. Along with that I can make opportunity for old and young generation to work together as a team. People who get it fast can teach it to others. 8.) After reviewing the instructional activities that lead learners to motivation on pages 159-161 I selected one strategy from each of the four major conditions that I will incorporate into my session. Inclusion (beginning learning activities) – clearly identify the learning objectives and goals for instruction. Attitude (beginning learning activities) – encourage the learners Meaning (during learning activities) – provide frequent response opportunities to all learners on an equitable basis. Competence (ending activities) – provide effective