
Article Analysis: The Importance Of Motivating Students

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Lois Mauch examined in his article the importance of motivating students through the use of formative feedback. In the article, the author conducted a study utilizing five standards, which entails the motivational interest and performance of students. In the first standard, the author found that students’ ability in motor skills were highly needed to perform a variety of physical activities that were given by the instructor; in the second standard, the author saw that students began to understand and apply movable strategies, and tactics to learn and perform physical activities; in the third standard, the author saw an increase in class participation with students that were engaged in the regular physical activity; in the fourth standard, …show more content…

Abrahamson, an educational specialist, talks about multiple ways in which will increases students’ motivational interest in education. He believes that the most effective way to motivate students beyond the expectations is to make real life personal connections with them. In his article, Abrahamson discusses the use of instructional development for higher education. He states that the classroom context in a student environment needs to generate an atmosphere of inspirational wisdom (2011). He feels that this form of “motivational wisdom” can be originated in part on a relationship-base strategy between the students and professor. Abrahamson conducted a study to validate the essence of establishing an effective rapport with students in order to motivate students with the use of sharing appropriate personal experiences, morals, and views on real life. In his research, Abrahamson found that students became more motivated to learn, when they are being instructed by someone in which they have a form of established relationship …show more content…

Michael Palardy (1999), produce effective strategies for promoting student motivation. In the article, the author conduct several research studies to determine if students are motivated when learning. According to the article, students are motivated when learning, but to a certain extent. Palardy further his research to determine what strategies and tactics teachers could use as a tool for motivating students, or perhaps extending their motivation. In the article, Palardy presents 15 strategies for motivating students to learn. All of the strategies that the author include involved getting students in certain setting purposes, modifying purposes, and setting certain priorities in content. By doing so allowed Palardy to implement differentiated strategies into a classroom setting, ensuring that he met all students’ needs to succeed. Palardy concluded his study believing that there is no assurances for increasing students' motivation to learn; therefore, it is up to the teacher to ensure that there are a number of effective strategies that could be implemented to reach each students’

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