Supporting Teaching And Learning Essay

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This chapter provides few examples of activities that can be used with learners for supporting their learning related to the key concepts and approaches outlined in the previous chapters. Learning activities are most impactful when customized to the specific context and group of learners who will engage. Therefore, they are used as an educator and you are encouraged to adapt these and other learning activities to best meet the identified learning needs.

What I stand for
Objective: To get learners to stand up for what they believe in. To allow learners reflect on their own beliefs and discover those of others.

Outcomes: Learners will have discovered how their beliefs and opinions differ from those of others.
Materials: Appropriate materials …show more content…

• Only the cleverest have the right to education after 14 years. 

• Killing someone for any reason is wrong. 

• People have the right to fight for what they believe in. 

• Everyone has the right to live in peace. 

• Pollution is the responsibility of governments only? May be to make it more vibrant. 

• Everyone has a right to practice their religion. 

• Religions are a major cause of conflict in the world. 

These statements are phrased so that learners may find themselves with contradictory positions, which should encourage reflection. You are encouraged to identify your own statements that are sensitive to the context before the lesson.
When you have worked through your statements, get the learners to sit in a circle and ask some of them to talk about their answers. Discuss some of the issues that they found themselves confronting and how this made them feel. 
If learners experienced difficulties in responding to the questions, ask them why they think this was so. A major point to come out of the discussion is that the world is not simple and that it is not always easy to decide what to believe and when to take a stand. 
Ask the learners about how they felt when others were standing on the other side of the line. How did they feel about them and their beliefs? Conclude the exercise by emphasizing how people’s beliefs and opinions differ and how at times can lead to conflict. Discuss the importance of respecting those who may not have the same beliefs as