Take Away From A Class Learning Perspective Essay

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From a class learning perspective, what were some of your “take-away?” From a class learning perspective, I learn that everyone from the top managements to low level employees are responsible to make an ethical decision everyday including Chief Information Officers. Chief Information Officer is a person who leads an Information Technology (IT) team. Another ethic issues I had learned is that government monitors over citizens phone and email communications. For what I know the reason for a government monitoring citizens because it tries to protect its citizens and its societies, but people especially Snowden think their government are violates their right. Since Sept 11. 2001, US government monitors every U.S citizens for preventing the …show more content…

In this class, I also learn that we have a freedom to express or post online or Internet but we need to make ethical decision how we post or express online or Internet. Plagiarism is copying, paraphrase some ideas without citing quotes and applying that as your own. Plagiarism is an illegal behavior because it uses the ideas, commits literacy theft and steals the information of someone else especially on internet. Plagiarism also is an unethical behavior about Digital Intellectual Property. Another lesson I take away from this class is social network advertising uses social network to inform, promote, and communicate benefits of products and services. But social network advertising also shared our information to third parties or another companies without our knowledge. People made decisions based on the input from closed group of friends and advertising. Another ethical problem is we have a problem to protect our customer identity information. A reason for we have a problem to protect our customer identity information because we have many Cyber-attacks to businesses and private residents on computers. The last one is not the least, I learn a lot from C1 and C2. I learn how to do research and