Unit 2 Assignment 1 Supporting Teaching And Learning

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The key goal of module one is to develop visual awareness. Art is the language of vision, a medium for expressing sensory experiences (Dinham, 2014, p. 307). A human behaviour is the need to make marks (Dinham, 2014, p. 307). A child’s experiences with mark making begins in the scribbling phase, with refinement over time recognisable shapes will be used as a means of symbolism. The role of the educator is to teach children the history, theories and conventions of the arts so that they can express themselves through a range of media (Dinham, 2014, p. 307). Each child thinks differently, there is not one arts medium that all children will be confident and willing to express themselves through. The arts provide a range of materials and approaches (Dinham, 2014, p. 307). The educator will provide children with …show more content…

44, 307).
It is stated in the Australian Curriculum that the development of critical and creative thinking is one of the seven general capabilities (ACARA, n.d.). The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (n.d.) describes the process of critical and creative thinking to involve a deep use of skills, imagination and innovation. Module one was commenced with an exploration into arts materials and mark-making techniques. This involved critical and creative thinking through an approach that Dinham (2014, p. 33) calls the ‘what if’ approach. Student’s took risks to explore the provided arts materials to explore their mark making potential. The students were creative and open-minded during the exploration, learning through observation what