Explain The Ways In Which The Teacher And Learning Support Practitioners

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The teacher and learning support practitioners works together but the main responsibility the teacher have in the classroom and also plan the lesson so that the teachers can measure individual child's progress and there achievement and give feedback to the parents and other member of the staff who involved. Teacher have responsible and make sure that the teacher teach and explain and give examples. people who have extra help they need to explain in more details. When the teachers has finish there teaching the lesson and children are doing the task or work the teachers must monitor the child's progress and observation and work weather they understood what they doing. Then teacher needs to comparing the work and progression how was the child's work before and currently what they doing. This will give an idea of their ability. this will decide whether that particular child requires more or less responsibilities in their learning and targets will then be set for the child, if childs have not made any advancement towards their learning objective,either the learning objective needs to be modified or adapted or the teaching tactics improved. A teacherís responsibilities to the children in their care …show more content…

this type of learning is ungraded so teachers can see if the children is progressing and learning towards end of the targets. Teachers use formative assessment so that way teachers can measure the children's progress and monitor children learning so that way they can give feedback and improve the progress what ever they are weak on. Doing this we need to ask questions in group and hold discussions in which are encouraged to judge their own work. Observing individual so teacher can have an idea what they need to improve on. listen to the children how they discuss and they behave in a group while they doing there work or a project together using open ended