
Synopsis Of Jake Runway's Death Of A Salesman

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A life insurance agent goes up against an unscrupulous boss when he uncovers deception in the agency.


JAKE CALLAWAY is a life insurance agent. He gets a new job with Profin Insurance in San Diego. TONY ELLERAMA, the President of the company, and his direct supervisor, FRED, teaches Jake the rules of the company. They are very strict about their “script” and each agent is forced to memorize it when pitching their insurance to potential clients.

Jake catches on quickly and soon becomes a “star” insurance agent for the agency, selling the most. Jake begins to mentor other agents on how to approach clients. Jake grows uncomfortable with some of the behavior at the agency. Some agents use drugs, and various agents have affairs with the receptionists. Tony gambles and owes money.

Jake …show more content…

Jake begins his own business. When his former co-worker, BOBBY, tells Jake that Tony claimed he was fired, Jake is angry.
Jake begins to fax anonymous faxes to the agency about being “slaves.” No one knows who’s sending the faxes. The faxes get more personal, exposing private secrets. Tony is furious.

Jake invites Bobby to come work for him, but Bobby owes money to Tony and can’t leave. Bobby discovers that Jake is the one sending the faxes. Eventually, Tony learns that Bobby knows who’s behind the faxes, but Bobby refuses to tell him. Tony threatens Bobby, telling him that he’ll take his family’s home away unless he pays the debt by a specific deadline or unless he gives him the name of the person sending the faxes. Bobby refuses to tell.

Agents begin to leave Profin to work for Jake. When Jake finds out that Bobby might lose his home, he encourages Bobby to tell Tony the truth, but Bobby refuses. He’s loyal to Jake.

Tony shows up wanting Bobby to sign over the house to him, but Jake stops Bobby and pays Tony the full amount that Bobby owes him. Tony realizes that Jake is behind the

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