Synopsis Of The Book 'Touching Spirit Bear' By Jack Crowley

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By Jack Crowley Touching Spirit Bear is one of the best books to ever exist in my opinion. Cole is one of the main characters and at the start he is sad and is a very bad person and becomes good at the end. The reason he is so sad is because of his parents who abuse him and are drunk. Cole went to jail for beating up a kid named Peter and smashing Peter's head on concrete. Cole had no remorse when he smashed Peter’s head on concrete. When Cole was in jail, he did not want help from anyone, but Cole will finally get some in the near future. Peter is extremely hurt when Cole smashed his head on concrete and is having a very hard time recovering. After a while, Peter has not recovered and tried killing himself multiple times and Peter's parents are devastated. Some time has passed and Cole's mom has been coming to the jail a lot and Cole is getting kind of tired of it. A person by the name given that Cole does not know is going to try to help Cole. …show more content…

The first thing that Gavin helped Cole with was to get him into circle justice to get him to go to an island so he could learn responsibility. When they got there, Cole was very mad and did not want to be there. This is also when the spirit bear came in. Right now Cole is full of anger and does not want to be on the island and then he sees the spirit bear but Cole does not know that it was the spirit bear when Cole looked at it did not move at all it just stared at him and Cole is scared at