Synthesis And Summary Analysis Of Part 2: Achilles Reflex

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Part 1: Knee Jerk
Prediction: If the hypothesis is true, the entire leg will jerk upward.
Hypothesis: Tapping the knee with the mallet will result in the leg jerking upward.

(c)The leg jerks upward.
(d)When the subject holds the book, the leg’s movement increases.

Part 2: Achilles Reflex
Hypothesis: The hammer tapping the Achilles tendon will cause the foot to jerk towards the plantar surface.

(e)The toes being to move outwards and heel moves inwards.

Part 3:Babinski Reflex
(f)Inside-curling toes. Infants exhibit the reverse reflex; their toes typically point outward rather than inside.

Part 4:Pupillary reflex
(g)The eye that was closed had a larger pupil than they eye that was open.
(h) The pupil that receives light becomes smaller can closes quickly compared to the eye that doesn't receive light.
(i)The eye of the subject dilated for about 2 sec and went back to regular size.

Analysis: …show more content…

The spinal cord receives messages from sensory neurons. The brain then receives a message from the spinal cord. Finally, the brain sends a reaction through motor neurons, which prompt the knee muscles to contract and kick out. Part 2: The stimulation is similar to Part 1, but this time, the Achilles is activated, causing the heel and toes to move in opposite directions as a result. Part 3: Similar to Parts 1 and 2, this stimulation involves striking the bottom of the foot with a hammer. The foot's toes turn inward as a result of this. Part 4, The stimulus in this instance is the light. The rods and cones of the eye are stimulated after it enters the eye. The response is subsequently transmitted to the bipolar cells, where it is finally transported to the brain by the optic nerve. When exposed to light, the brain sends a signal to the eye that causes the iris to close, giving the illusion that the pupil is smaller than it would be