Synthesis Essay On Critical Race Theory

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Critical race theory (or CRT) should not be taught to anyone from the grades of K-12. Many would have the citizens of America believing that the US is “systemically racist” and that we are, as a people, irredeemable in our ways, but that just isn’t true. The other side of this argument would like to tell every non-minority student that they are a part of the problem, but hardly seem to back up their claims with any factual evidence. Critical race theory, once called “critical theory”, was the Marxist doctrine that formed the basis of communism that would have even me, a white person, believe I’m a victim. Critical race theory is not the path towards a better and more equitable future, but really a means to a divided and hostile country that …show more content…

If this were true, there is absolutely no way Americans would be able to function at even the most basic level of humanity. People who believe in these ideals spend their days depressed and hopeless because they’re contributing to the racist society by bettering their lives and doing simple acts of kindness to those around them. Source 2 also states that a New York ‘Emancipation Curriculum’ tells children that “‘all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism”. Many people believe, although the very definition of the word states otherwise, that it is impossible to be racist towards white people. How are the white children that hear this ever supposed to do anything in life if they’re taught that they’re inherently evil based on the lighter color of their skin? There’s no winning for white people in America with this ideology spreading through the country. What’s the point in even trying if everything one does is going to be …show more content…

For example, Source 3 is very clearly biased against conservative views, is vague, and rarely includes any statistics backing up their outlandish claims. “Critical race theory (CTR), taught primarily in higher education and law school, is the study of how laws and policies can drive and perpetuate racial disparities and inequities… using misinformation and fear to drive a wedge between people” (Source 3). But what laws and policies are they talking about? The source never states what, exactly, the laws and policies are that ‘drive and perpetuate racial disparities and inequalities’, instead they move along without any data or quotes into the next phase of their argument. They also never seem to fully explain, or even start to explain, what misinformation is being spread in Anti-CRT campaigns. How are we supposed to trust this? Source 3 also talks about the banning of CRT books, which I can understand being upsetting to a certain degree, but not fully. Kids (who are ready for such ideas) should be taught about the horror that was slavery and racism in the past, and books that talk about that sort of thing should not be banned for their indelicate subjects, but there is a certain point when a line needs to be drawn and lessons of a continual, irredeemable systemic racism need to be