Synthesis Essay: The Role Of Equality In The American Civil War

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Equality, it is the state or quality of being equal, everyone in every nations deserves the right to be equal. However, equality is not a right everyone in the world has, some need to earn it and some already have it. Many times people are not given the same opportunities as they are not treated equally. For example, if a man who was lazy and did somewhat of a decent job then he would most likely to be promoted, however if this was a woman then she would most likely not be promoted. We see stereotypes, which are also known as judgements of people who you have no prior knowledge, of many times in our lifetime, for example, Islamic women terrorized by Americans for begin terrorists, or African Americans begin portrayed as dangerous criminals, …show more content…

Whilst the Northern faction was against slavery, the Southern faction was for, this and some other contributing factors caused the civil war which changed America for the better. However so, this was not without causalities, many white and black men died and the south was littered with battlefields and cemeteries. As Abraham Lincoln stated in the Gettysburg Address, “The world will little note nor remember what we said here, but it can never forget what they did here” (27). In this statement, Lincoln stated that not everyone will remember what we have done for the United States but they will never forget what events occurred here. Even though we might not remember the exact details of the civil war, we cannot allow the memories of the dead to fade into the deep abyss, but finish their unfinished work (Lincoln …show more content…

Throughout the short stories, many can see that we are not all that different. We all share many different experiences and two people who are extremely different could share something common, like the sadness of losing a relative. Our memories and experiences tie us all together. Freedom does not come without price as is shown by the civil and the many thousands of deaths that surrounds the bloody event in history. We are not all that different, we share many things and we should all be treated equally in this world, as Blaeser said, we are all an entangled in the roots of our culture