
Synthesis Of Kiwi Fruit In A Ziplock Bag

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DNA samples from kiwi fruit were obtained using YouTube and salting out methods. Kiwi fruit was inserted into a Ziplock bag. The bag was then sealed entirely. The fruits were crushed in the ziplock bag to break their cells; this was performed for three minutes. By breaking the kiwi fruit enabled the cells' nuclei to release DNA. Ten milliliters of DNA extraction was added to the ziplock bag, and the bag was pressed to ensure all the fruits’ cells were broken. The kiwi fruit was crushed for a shorter time to prevent DNA from degradation. DNA buffer solution which contained two tablespoon salt, 50ml dishwashing detergent, 950ml water were added during the DNA process and they played a fundamental role in this process. They fasten the breakdown …show more content…

The Chaux cloth assisted in trapping kiwi fruit cell remains. 3 ml of the resulting filtrate was transferred into a 15ml test tube, followed by putting it in an ice bath to cool. After cooling process, the test tube was labeled ‘S.' 10ml of 100% ethanol was gradually added to the test tube to form a layer. The resulting layer divided the liquid upper part. The addition of ethanol was performed to aid in the DNA precipitation process. After addition of ethanol, it was observed that as the DNA was coming out from the solution; DNA molecules emanated close to one another and finally stick together. At that moment, DNA molecules could be easily seen via the test tube’s wall. By maintaining the temperature at required level allowed sufficient DNA precipitation. By keeping the temperature at necessary condition guarantees that the ethanol aqueous dielectric constant is decreased (Anuradha et al. 126). Reducing temperature in DNA extraction process enabled the solution to be vicious. The viscous solution reduces nucleic acid substances' mobility. Additionally, reduced temperature boosts the materials’ solubility in a solution and thus disallowed the nucleic acids’ co-precipitation with the salts (Anuradha et al. …show more content…

This test tube was then filled with 20mls 2 x lysis mix, followed by shaking and rotating the test tube well for about ten minutes. The test tube was spun for ten minutes at three thousand revolutions per minute. After turning the test tube, a white layer started forming at the bottom of the test tube. The white layer was carefully removed by tipping off the test tube. The white layer was transferred into a clean test tube and incubated overnight at 37℃. After incubation, the test tube was removed from the incubator. To the extracted whiter layer (sample), an equal amount of phenol (700 microlitres) which was saturated with 0.1M tris-hydrochloride was added. The test tube content was mixed by shaking the test tube. The test tube was then spun for five minutes in a microfuge at three thousand revolutions per minute. The upper aqueous component of the test tube was removed and transferred to another clean test tube. To this new test tube, an equal amount of phenol was added, followed by removing its upper aqueous layer to a clean test tube. An equal amount of chloroform was added to test tube containing an upper aqueous layer of the previous steps. The test tube was spun for five minutes at three thousand revolutions per minute. An upper aqueous layer of the test tube after addition of chloroform and spinning was removed to a clean test tube. To this test-tube containing chloroform aqueous top layer extract, an

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