Syria Stage 3 Essay

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Syria is in stage 3 of the demographic transition. The shape of Syria’s pyramid is sometimes referred to as “late expanding”, were there is wider base that does narrow as fast as the lower stages. In a stage 3 country, the CBR is beginning to drop, and the CDR is beginning to level off, the population growth is still rapid, but slowing.
In Syria’s population pyramid, the bottom rows are narrowing very slowly, this means that more of the children are surviving. This is due to increased access to birth control, and lower infant mortality rates. There is less need for large families because the of the low infant mortality rate, also, more industrialized jobs require fewer laborers than before. In stage 1 and 2 countries, most of the jobs were …show more content…

Then, in the years 2005-2010, it sharply decreased to 14.9 percent, marking the beginning of Syria’s progression into stage 3. The maternal mortality ratio in Syria was estimated at 240 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990. It then decreased to 70 maternal deaths during 2011. This means that both the babies and the mothers are surviving due to medical advances. The population pyramid’s 10-30yrs. section is very wide and does not narrow drastically due to these statistics. The percentage of people living in cities and urbanized areas increased by 9 percent in 2010 because of factory jobs and a wide variety of service jobs located in the city. Projections show that this will increase in the coming years. More middle aged men coming to the city and taking those jobs make the population pyramid’s middle section more prominent then lower stages. During 1948, waves of Palestinian and Iranian refugees migrated to Syria because of the war that was happening in Iran. During that time, migrant stock increased by 5.39 percent. The 1958 Lebanon Crisis brought hundreds of Lebanese refugees into Syria fleeing from the political and military tensions in Lebanon. This was all before the Syrian civil war in 2011, when the economy in Syria was better than that of the neighboring countries. All these migrants flooding in added to the population, but also brought their culture of having high CBR’s, so this was an all-around population

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