Tactics Of Nazi Propaganda

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Tactics of Nazi Propaganda Manipulation. Carefully staged lies. A whole nation united against a common enemy. Propaganda in Nazi Germany was a strategic scheme, intended to deceive the citizens and convince everyone that the Nazis were doing no wrong. False information was published about Jews and other disliked minorities. Fear of Hitler and the Nazi party was spread throughout the nation. People began to believe things that were not true and started supporting the Nazis. Adolf Hitler’s sly manipulation of people’s emotions and minds by using everyday methods of communication was the driving factor that led to the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda. Many methods were utilized by the Nazi party to spread propaganda and were so effective …show more content…

Hitler had a great knowledge of the psychological processes of the human mind. He recognized that violence and propaganda could bring people together. He worked closely with Joseph Goebbels, who he appointed to be the head of the organization that promoted propaganda, to put out propaganda that triggered certain stimuli in people’s brains. The propaganda was meant to impair judgment and social perception while enhancing memory. He focused mainly on three different cognitive biases of the brain; the Halo Effect, the Authority Bias, and Herd Instinct. The Halo Effect was mainly achieved by portraying Hitler as a god-like figure who could bring Germany out of the economic depression they were in and cleanse their nation of non-pure people. This triggered a stimuli the brain that made people feel safe and because they associated Hitler with that feeling, they trusted him to deliver on his promises. Another form of manipulation is the Authority Bias, which is closely tied to the Halo Effect, however it is slightly different. This process stimulates the part of the brain that recognizes a strong authority figure and wants to listen and conform to everything they are told by that person. Hitler promoted persecuting the Jews and purifying their nation by getting rid of them completely, so the people of Germany agreed. The final way Hitler used people’s minds was by Herd Instinct. People …show more content…

In 1933, Hitler F the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. He appointed a German man named Joseph Goebbels to be the head of the group. Together they carefully planned out designs for posters, speeches for the public, and newspaper articles that encouraged German people to be violent against Jews and accept measures taken against them, claiming that the government was restoring order in their country. Anti-semitism was promoted in everyday things like newspapers, books, radio programs, and movies. Hitler claimed the Jews were naturally evil and that they had subhuman features. This message was meant to make people believe they were infiltrating Aryan society and that the Aryan race could only stay pure if the Jews were wiped out. The government made the citizens feel better about themselves by telling them the Jews were only being moved to work camps while covering up that they were really being killed. Propaganda appealed to the Germans' primitive desire for simplification and the Aryan races’ superiority and claimed the Jews plagued their land and poisoned their race. In addition, the government continued to stress to the German masses that Jews would destroy their culture and life as they knew it, frightening the people into submission. Hitler also discriminated against the eastern nations, so no one from other countries really knew what was happening in