
Tae Yu Quotes

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Honorable actions by Tae Yul In the book When My Name Was Keoko By Linda Sue Park, many ideas and traits of characters appear throughout the story, however, Tae Yuls characteristics stuck out amongst the rest, he displayed fierce expressions of undying loyalty, courage, and resilience. Tae Yul often does things alone, however his family is just as strong as him, resilience is shown in chapter 7 by defying orders from the Japanese government that ordered Sharon trees, which were an important symbol of Korean culture, to be cut and burned. The act of defying orders from the Japanese signifies their strength in pride, doing this while knowing they knew that if they were caught, they would be made an example of. This also shows their resilience to change by not …show more content…

This chapter shows much courage as Tae Yul knows that this is a suicide mission and he and the rest of the squad will die one way or another and is prepared to do so, and shows his bravery. He knows what he signed up for and he knew what could happen and fully accepted it, he overcame intense emotions of fear and maintained composure while on the mission. This mission would help his honor and perhaps even his family, he knew he could not actually attack the Americans which were trying to free Korea, so if he were to attack, he d aim for the water near them, as it would take out a Japanese plane in the process, and protect the Americans. Tae Yul often demonstrates loyalty towards his family and others. In chapter 16, this is shown as Tae Yul volunteers to help with the construction of an air strip that is being built to cut school, but also to help reduce suspicion placed on his family because of the disappearance of his

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