Take Out Persuasive Essay

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Trying to hurry Jerry Fenner the third, a student athlete on the wrestling team, rushes from early morning weight lifting to his first class. He has enough time to stop and grab a piece of fruit from convo but nothing else. He sits in class with his stomach grumbling, and daydreams about food, barely paying attention to what his professor has to say this early in the morning. If convo were to issue a new take-out policy allowing students to remove food from convo then Jerry would have time to grab breakfast and eat it on his way to class or even during class. Without his stomach growling, Jerry may be able to focus better during his class allowing him to be a better student. Being a student athlete takes up much of his time and sometimes he …show more content…

All of the students are freshman, of different majors, and one of whom is a student athlete. Each of these students agreed that they would find take-out food convenient but none of them said they would use it more than a few times a week, at most. The most common reason for wanting take-out was to grab a quick bite to eat while studying, before or after practice, or for work. Convo has specific operating hours and often times students find themselves too busy to eat during those hours but with take-out it would be possible to eat without an excess of time. Personally, I work on some weekdays from 4pm to 8pm which leaves me no time for dinner unless I wish to purchase a meal because convo is only open from 4pm to 7pm on those days. If take-out food was an option, even if it was limited to certain items, I could order take-out food after lunch so I could have dinner that day. After asking these students what they assumed the reason take-out is not currently an option all of them responded with the common concerns of take-out which is students taking more food than they would actually consume. While wasting food is a concern with this option, the benefit to the students outweighs the possibility of irresponsible