
Persuasive Letter To Healthy School Lunches

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Dear Mrs. Denk,

School lunches are much more important to students than one may think. Healthy lunches help boost students’ immune systems which may be vulnerable to common colds. Without good school meals students may have a difficult time concentrating, which I can say I’ve struggled with myself. Additionally, students from low income families will be promised at least one healthy meal a day, free of charge. If students are surrounded by healthy foods, they’ll want to eat healthier. I believe Mount Horeb needs to ensure that our students receive quality meals every week day. All Students should have easy access to healthy school lunches because it boosts immune systems, helps with concentration, makes kids want to eat healthier, and ensures …show more content…

Firstly, a variety of healthy foods makes students want to eat more vegetables and fruits. The Harvard School of public health mentioned more fruits were made available to students, which seemed to incline them to pick fruit. Schwartz et al. recorded 500 or so students in urban schools, grades five through seven. Showing before and after pictures and the weighing process of lunches. A 12% increase in fruit selection was found, and a 19% increase in vegetable intake was found after two years. Secondly, healthy school lunches are helpful to all. Healthy School Meals For All are recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) to enhance participation in federal school meal programs and diminish school absenteeism. Students from lower income households will have more opportunity for free healthy foods from Healthy School Meals For All, for the school to provide more options. It is expected to improve health equity by helping said students, making school lunches accessible to all. Lastly, students who eat healthier school meals have an overall better diet. Students who have in school meal options and choose to take them will have a better overall diet. Eating more vegetables, milk, fruits, and whole grains makes their diet more complete than nonparticipants according to research by the School Nutrition Meal Cost Study & the US National School Lunch Program. Healthy school lunches are clearly …show more content…

However, the pros outweigh the cons. Firstly, healthy foods help boost the immune system. Because students’ immune systems aren’t as strong as adults, they’re more vulnerable to the common sickness, according to TheLunchMob.com. (a website that helps guide schools with healthy lunch choices). That leaves students at greater risk of attracting germs in public spaces, not just schools. A good way to lessen the chances of contracting a sickness is by eating foods that improve the immune system. This is important because schools tend to be a hotspot for germs that lead to these infections. The healthier students are, the fewer absences from schools. School meals that include vitamins C, E, and Omega 3 fatty acids will help to reach this goal. There are numerous fresh fruits and greenery that possess these properties like strawberries, broccoli, and certain fish. Additionally, healthy lunches help students concentrate throughout the school day. Many children can gain from healthy food that improves academics, according to the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. Students need a healthy brain to help concentrate in school. What we eat provides part of our brain function. Foods high in vitamins B, C, D3, and magnesium improve our attention and productivity. If the brain is concentrated, students aren’t as likely to get distracted by fellow classmates and external forces.

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