Who Is Recalled To Life In A Tale Of Two Cities

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Recalled To Life The entire novel “A Tale of Two cities” is based around the phrase “recalled to life.” Each main character throughout the book is faced with a challenge, makes a mistake, then personally redeems themselves or someone else shows them redemption. Dickens shows this theme through several different characters through several different incidents. Death and resurrection perfectly represent Dickens trying to write his theme of redemption.

For example, Dr. Manette (a key character in the novel) in the first book is “recalled to life.” Manette spends eighteen years in prison. He almost rotted his life away in a jail cell for a crime the doctor didn’t even commit. After being released from the prison, his resurrection comes, the first time, when he is reintroduced to his daughter Lucie. This reunion brings Manette back from his, some would say, grave and brings back his old self.

The next redemption was of Manette’s pride and dignity that had once been lost. Charles Darnay was in need of a witness and Dr. Manette stepped up. This testimony won back his well-respected title as Paris’ “Bastille Captive.” …show more content…

Manette, is another character that has been “recalled to life.” Darnay traveled to France to escape threats for his life; when Darnay arrives in France he is accused of treason and is sentenced to time in prison. Sydney Carton then testifies for Darnay, causing Charles to be released and later falling in love with Lucie. However after the couples shortly lived “Happily Ever After,” Darnay gets a letter asking him to return to Paris. Almost immediately upon returning Darnay gets put back in a prison for Revolutionaries. Then Madame Defarge, filled with vengeance, to confirm the death of Darnay she begins snooping and digging through old letters written by Darny. Later testifying of Darnay’s guilt through a quote written by him long ago. Darnay is then sentenced to death by