Talent Management Approach

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As has been discussed[K(36],discussed in section n….. the exclusive TM approach is based on the assumptions that talent is innate[K(37] and can only be exclusively identified based on performance or generalized assessments of high potential (cognitive, leadership, and adaptive skills). We argue that in order to be defined as ethical, TM practices much demonstrate the following 3 characteristics….1,2,3, needs to embody[K(38] the stakeholder theory wherein every employee should gain [K(39]from the process. Hence, the talent underlying philosophy of our alternative[K(40] proposed ethical approach to TM approach assumes that every employee is talent with specific positive traits. Such a view equates to the inclusive view of [K(41]talent (Peterson …show more content…

Based on the stakeholder theory and inclusive talent philosophy, the objective of our alternative TM approach is to cater to the interests and needs of all employees and organization stakeholders. The objectives of ethical TM covers all those of exclusive TM, including identifying individual talents, and the deployment and development of talent. However, it involves an additional task which is that of managing also the weaknesses of the individual employees. The explicit content of the tasks also differ from those of exclusive TM. We will now present in detail the tasks of ethical TM as …show more content…

This is correspondent to the person-job fit theory, which is defined by the compatibility between a person’s characteristics and those of a specific job (Kristof-Brown and Guay, 2011). Research has shown that person-job fit has a number of positive outcomes. Notably, person-job fit can be a reasonable predictor of job performance because individuals with high person-job fit are found to have positive work outcomes (Edwards, 1991). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that placing talents in positions which fit their strengths can enhance their performance. In addition, person-job fit is found to be related to productivity and organizational commitment (Rousseau and McLean Parks, 1993). Organizations thus benefit from applying this theory. We furthermore suggest that when deploying talents, organizations should also consider managing the weaknesses of their talents. Focusing on the strengths of talents does not mean that their shortcomings can be neglected completely (Buckingham 2005; Linley and Harrington, 2006). One way to alleviate the problems caused by individual weaknesses is to partner different talents to build complementary strength profiles in a team, which allows one partner to take over those tasks that are difficult for the other partner as a result of this latter’s