Talent Management Metrics

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Introduction Talent management is an important aspect of any organization. Excellent talent management guarantees an organization long term success (Pace, 2010). As a result, several organizations have put in place metrics that they practice measuring the success of talent management at the organization. There are a number of metrics that an organization can embrace to determine the success of talent management function and understand that the organization has a formidable task force as discussed below. One of the metrics that are used to evaluate talent management success is High-potential talent, otherwise referred to as HiPo. According to Lavoie, these are employees who exhibit leadership qualities within an organization and are, in most cases, they take over the leadership of the organization in the future. Employees with high potential talent in most cases prove to be flexible and reliable, and as a result, they earn …show more content…

In addition, it is also clear that when evaluating the five metrics, one needs to assign a different weight from one metric to the other. This is because the different metrics have different impacts despite all evaluating talent management. In weighing the five metrics, the high-potential talent would come first, followed by employee turnover rate, before employee engagement and retention, the source of hiring and finally employees and candidates’ reactions. References
Lavoie, A. (2014, November 4). Measure These 5 Talent Metrics for Greater Success in Hiring and Managing Employees. Retrieved from Entrepreneur: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/239117
Pace, A. (2010). Talent management gaining inches? Training and Development, 64(8), 18.
Scott-Ladd, B., Travaglione, A., Perryer, C., & Pick, D. (2010). Attracting and Retaining Talent: Social Organisational Support as An Emergent Concept. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 18(2),

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