Tang Dynasty History

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China is one of the top five largest countries in the world. It is located in Southeast Asia, and it borders 14 countries. Its capital city is Beijing, which is home to 11.5 million people according to statistics taken in 2015, and currently has a staggering growth rate. Although Beijing is the capital city of China, there are larger cities in the country. Shanghai is home to 23 million people in 2013, and is considered to be China's largest city. Today, China’s population has exceeded 1.2 billion people. To put that in perspective, China has about four times the amount of people as the United States of America.
In addition to China’s extensive population, their history is just as profound. At first, kings ruled ancient China. These men …show more content…

This dynasty was characterized by achievements that have had a great impact on the world. The Han Dynasty brought China to new military, political, and social heights. The Qing dynasty was mainly responsible for pushing China’s boundaries and expanding the country once it was united.
Lastly, the Tang Dynasty is the most influential empire of China’s civilization. During the Tang Dynasty, China achieved the peak of its civilization and became the center of trade in the east. The legacy of this empire has made many contributions to the modern world such as gunpowder, medicine and the study of math and law. Ultimately, all three dynasties play important roles on how China’s civilization has preceded. Early in the twentieth century, the dynasty system collapsed. China did not have a stable government. Then, China became a republic and a Communist government was formed.
The Republic of China was founded in 1912, after an event called the Boxer Rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion is what led to the downfall of the last dynasty. After this rebellion, the country became a republic and a president was …show more content…

In 1979 demand grew for making the limit one child per family. However, that stricter requirement was then applied unevenly across the country among the provinces, and by 1980 the central government sought to standardize the one-child policy nationwide. On September 25, 1980, a public letter—published by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party —called upon all to adhere to the one-child policy, and that date has often been cited as the policy’s official start date.
The program was intended to be applied nationally, although certain exceptions were made. In the early 1980s China relaxed the policy to allow couples to have a second child if each parent are both only children—meaning both parents have no siblings. In addition, enforcement of the policy was somewhat uneven over time, generally being strongest in cities and more lenient in the countryside. The result of the policy was a general reduction in China’s fertility and birth rates after 1980, with the fertility rate declining and dropping below two children per woman in the mid-1990s.
A person may question the efficacy of China’s initial decision to start this infamous policy. The One Child Policy was responsible for the death of many women and children. From an international perspective, China’s policy is most certainly viewed as