
Teach Purse-Lipped Breathing To Patient

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Explain how you would teach purse-lipped breathing to an adult patient. It is important to assess the patient and determine that it is the appropriate time for teaching. The patient must be stable and the environment must be free of distraction. I will include the benefits of purse-lipped breathing in my teaching by saying that this technique will help to release the carbon dioxide that is trapped in the lungs and permit more oxygen. This will improve the quality of respiration by reducing the dyspnea and slowing down the rate. I would assess the patient learning style to determine the most effective way to teach. Demonstration of purse-lipped breathing to patient is one of the most effective ways to teach. I would demonstrate to the patient the technique by closing the mouth and take a deep breathe through the nose like smelling a rose. Purse your lips as you would to whistle or blow out a candle. Breathe out slowly through your mouth, without puffing the cheeks. Teach the patient to that the exhaling of air is twice the length of time compared to …show more content…

I would also assess that it is the appropriate time to teach. Turning teaching into a game is very helpful to gain the attention of the child. Including the parents is very useful in many cases because many children may feel safer. I would ask the child to sit or stand up straight. I would ask the child to take a deep breath in through the nose as if they were smelling a rose while keeping their mouth closed. I would ask them to exhale slowly and deeply as if they were blowing out a candle without puffing their cheek for four seconds. I would perform the technique with the child. It is important to use simple terms. For example, replacing “shortness of breath” to “the chest hurts when you breathe”. I would evaluate that the teaching was effective when the child is able to demonstrate the technique correctly without being

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