
Teaching Physical Education: 7th Grade Team Peight By Connor Vincent

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The video I choose for this assignment is called Teaching Physical Education: 7th Grade Team Handball taught by Connor Vincent. The video lasted 37.13 minutes. The PE class was held inside a gymnasium with both boys and girls participating with approx. 30 kids participating. Mr. Vincent was the only instructor in the class and you could tell he was trying to play a game all the students could participate in at one time. I believe the purpose of the video was to demonstrate how to play to play team handball inside a gymnasium without hitting the ball against the wall.
After observing this I do not feel the teacher had his lesson well planned out. There was times in the beginning of the lesson that seemed like he was not teaching a concept just kind of rolling with the flow. Mr. Vincent did not …show more content…

In the beginning it just seemed like pour chaos to me but then I realize he must be using this as a warm up lesson to get the kids moving around. The kids seem to enjoy trying to take and keep the ball away from each other. After a few minutes went by Mr. Vincent stop the students and had them line up to where they were all facing him. The kids who ending up with balls were instructed to place them in the appropriate area. Once this happened he had them line up and he begin to discuss the days activity of handball. He stated off by asking the students questions to see what their knowledge of the game was. He also asked them question of prior lesson they had been taught on handball. He then began to give off a few more instruction and begin to separate the students in teams of four and issued different color jerseys. I still do not feel like he gave clear direct instruction of the basic game of handball and if the student did not have prior knowledge of the game they would probably be lost. He went on to give them directions of the four team game they would be playing. His direction was confusing to me and if I was a

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